LLUSCÀ is a registered trademark belonging to its owner.
The idea and its expression, the form of presentation and all other rights of intellectual property of this web page and of the designs incorporated in it, are the exclusive property of their owner, it’s being strictly forbidden the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication and, generally, any form of explotation or use that can be carried out by any other known method which may be invented in the future, of all or part of this web page, as well as the designs represented in it, without the prior knowledge of the owner.
The database contained in this web page is specially protected, both by the author’s rights and the sui géneris right derived from above mentioned database.
The designs reproduced and contained in this web page can in no way whatever be used, nor made public without the prior knowledge and consent of the company.
LluscàDesign accepts no responsibility for misuse of the contents of this web page.
The logotypes shown on this page, used merely for illustrative use of some of our clients, are registered as elonging to their owners in the form of trademark, drawing or copyright. They cannot be used or made public without the prior knowledge or consent of their legitimate owners. In all cases, these logotypes will be retired from this page if requested in writting by their owners.
The links contained on our pages relate to other electronic pages that are not under the control of LluscàDesign, nor do they have any relation to us, therefore LluscàDesign cannot be held responsible for their content.